Hi. My name is Christina Keller. I am the owner/crocheter of Useful Yarn. My husband and I have always had a rule that when it comes to gift giving, it can be as pretty as you want but it needs to be practical and everyday useable. When I started crocheting, it was just because I wanted to start collecting pretty yarn like my mom had. Once I really started getting into it, I found that I really enjoyed doing it. I started out with my scrubby line, and it just went from there. You know the old saying, “find something you love to do, and you will never work a day in your life“. I have found that with crocheting. It has allowed me to give back and help others as I can.
Welcome to Useful Yarn. Take your time and look around. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions you may have. I look forward to crocheting for you.